
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How To Play Black Desert Korean Server Outside Of Korea

Black Desert, the most anticipated MMORPG in 2014. It will enter open beta trial on 17th December 2014. It is available to download Black Desert client started at 11am Korean time from December 10, 2014. It will be available to create character on December 12, 2014 at 11am Korean time- 6pm PST. Do you want to download Black Desert client now? After download, just login your Black Desert account on its official website to launch your client. In this article, I would love to introduce way to play Black Desert Korean server outside of Korea.
Black Desert
Black Desert

Create Black Desert Korean Account

Players must have Daum account to login Black Desert official website. It is unable to download Black Desert before login. If you have friend in Korea, you can ask your friend to create account for you. If not, buy Black Desert Korean account from agents. Regarding account, one is general account. Which can't solve validation. Just for players who want to experience this game. This kind of account is very cheap. Another is pro account. which must be paid every month and can solve vaildation. Most of players would like to buy normal account, if you haven't find the way, highly recommend you to buy from OBTGAME, it is a reliable website, a large numbers of players buy accounts from it. Once got Black Desert Korean account info, please connect to Korea VPN to login Otherwise, it will ask you to verify account info.
Login Black Desert Account
Login Black Desert Account

How To Download and install Black Desert Client

Before downloading Black Desert client, we should have Korean VPN first. If you don't have Korea VPN, it is unavailable to launch the game program. As I mentioned above, players must login Daum account before downloading B&D client. If you want to download Black Desert client first and don't have Black Desert account, you can download from my dropbox shared profile. Visit to download Black Desert downloader. I am downloading Black Desert client too. Let me show you step by step.
  • Connect to Korea VPN in your computer and get Korean IP address.
  • Run Black Desert Downloader.
  • Once starting to download and compete 0.2MB. You can disconnect Korea VPN and download with your local network. It will be faster than download with VPN service. 
Step #1: Get Korean IP address via connecting to Korea VPN. If you haven't good Korea VPN serice provider, you can test its trial VPN account. You must login with ''vpnu'' and its password to login on FlyVPN client, otherwise, you can't see Korea server under region tab.
Download Black Desert Downloader With Korea VPN
Download Black Desert Downloader With Korea VPN
Step #2: Login Daum ID and password. Download its client on

Step #3: Follow picture guidance step by step.

How To Unblock IP restriction  to Play Black Desert

I have noted above that it is unable to launch game program your IP address isn't Korean. We all know that most of Korean games are only allow people who are living in Korea to access. If you are living outside of Korea, it is difficult to get game account and Korean IP address. I have introduced way to get game account. For Korean IP address, the only way is connecting to Korea VPN server. There are two kinds of Korea VPN service. One is shared IP, another is dedicated IP. If you don't want to use the same Korean IP address as other players. You can choose to buy Korea dedicated IP. The difference between shared and dedicated IP address is whether it is only 1 or many people are using 1 IP address. In one word, play Black desert from abroad with Korea VPN which can unblock IP restriction of Korean games in second.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Start To Play Black Desert OBT on December 17, 2014

Black Desert (Korean: 검은사막) is an upcoming sandbox-oriented massively multiplayer online role-playing game by Korean video game developer Pearl Abyss. The game has been in development since 2010, and entered closed beta testing (CBT) in October 2013. It will enter open beta trialer on 17th December, 2014. Let us stay tuned.
Black Dessert Official website:
Download: It will be available to download Black Desert client on 10th December, 2014 from its official website. I will update download link later.
Account: If you have friend in Korea, you can ask your friend create account for you. Otherwise, buy it from agents. If you would like to buy Black Desert OBT account, welcome to add me in Skype. My ID is zoi0607. We will start to sell Black Desert OBT account on 17th December, 2014 for we should confirm the game need to verify Korean phone number or IPIN for serveral times.
VPN tips: I suggest players to buy Korea dedicated IP that you won't use the same IP address as other  players.
Videos about Creating Character in Black Desert Open Beta
Black Desert New Life Mode Content
A large number of Screenshoos in its Korean website