
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How To Play Black Desert Korean Server Outside Of Korea

Black Desert, the most anticipated MMORPG in 2014. It will enter open beta trial on 17th December 2014. It is available to download Black Desert client started at 11am Korean time from December 10, 2014. It will be available to create character on December 12, 2014 at 11am Korean time- 6pm PST. Do you want to download Black Desert client now? After download, just login your Black Desert account on its official website to launch your client. In this article, I would love to introduce way to play Black Desert Korean server outside of Korea.
Black Desert
Black Desert

Create Black Desert Korean Account

Players must have Daum account to login Black Desert official website. It is unable to download Black Desert before login. If you have friend in Korea, you can ask your friend to create account for you. If not, buy Black Desert Korean account from agents. Regarding account, one is general account. Which can't solve validation. Just for players who want to experience this game. This kind of account is very cheap. Another is pro account. which must be paid every month and can solve vaildation. Most of players would like to buy normal account, if you haven't find the way, highly recommend you to buy from OBTGAME, it is a reliable website, a large numbers of players buy accounts from it. Once got Black Desert Korean account info, please connect to Korea VPN to login Otherwise, it will ask you to verify account info.
Login Black Desert Account
Login Black Desert Account

How To Download and install Black Desert Client

Before downloading Black Desert client, we should have Korean VPN first. If you don't have Korea VPN, it is unavailable to launch the game program. As I mentioned above, players must login Daum account before downloading B&D client. If you want to download Black Desert client first and don't have Black Desert account, you can download from my dropbox shared profile. Visit to download Black Desert downloader. I am downloading Black Desert client too. Let me show you step by step.
  • Connect to Korea VPN in your computer and get Korean IP address.
  • Run Black Desert Downloader.
  • Once starting to download and compete 0.2MB. You can disconnect Korea VPN and download with your local network. It will be faster than download with VPN service. 
Step #1: Get Korean IP address via connecting to Korea VPN. If you haven't good Korea VPN serice provider, you can test its trial VPN account. You must login with ''vpnu'' and its password to login on FlyVPN client, otherwise, you can't see Korea server under region tab.
Download Black Desert Downloader With Korea VPN
Download Black Desert Downloader With Korea VPN
Step #2: Login Daum ID and password. Download its client on

Step #3: Follow picture guidance step by step.

How To Unblock IP restriction  to Play Black Desert

I have noted above that it is unable to launch game program your IP address isn't Korean. We all know that most of Korean games are only allow people who are living in Korea to access. If you are living outside of Korea, it is difficult to get game account and Korean IP address. I have introduced way to get game account. For Korean IP address, the only way is connecting to Korea VPN server. There are two kinds of Korea VPN service. One is shared IP, another is dedicated IP. If you don't want to use the same Korean IP address as other players. You can choose to buy Korea dedicated IP. The difference between shared and dedicated IP address is whether it is only 1 or many people are using 1 IP address. In one word, play Black desert from abroad with Korea VPN which can unblock IP restriction of Korean games in second.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Start To Play Black Desert OBT on December 17, 2014

Black Desert (Korean: 검은사막) is an upcoming sandbox-oriented massively multiplayer online role-playing game by Korean video game developer Pearl Abyss. The game has been in development since 2010, and entered closed beta testing (CBT) in October 2013. It will enter open beta trialer on 17th December, 2014. Let us stay tuned.
Black Dessert Official website:
Download: It will be available to download Black Desert client on 10th December, 2014 from its official website. I will update download link later.
Account: If you have friend in Korea, you can ask your friend create account for you. Otherwise, buy it from agents. If you would like to buy Black Desert OBT account, welcome to add me in Skype. My ID is zoi0607. We will start to sell Black Desert OBT account on 17th December, 2014 for we should confirm the game need to verify Korean phone number or IPIN for serveral times.
VPN tips: I suggest players to buy Korea dedicated IP that you won't use the same IP address as other  players.
Videos about Creating Character in Black Desert Open Beta
Black Desert New Life Mode Content
A large number of Screenshoos in its Korean website

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

How To Play Blade&Soul Taiwan Server With Low Ping

NCsoft Taiwan released the Open Beta date for Blade & Soul Taiwan on 20 Novermber 2014. When I entered the game, More than 1000 players are waiting for accessing the server. Blade&Soul Taiwan Server is free-to-play that many players around the world would like to play Taiwan server. There is still no update for the English server that many gamers advanced to play Korea, Japan and China server of Blade&Soul. Now players can play B&S Taiwan server. Ping is the key for play online games. For those who are living outside of Taiwan, They have to connect to Taiwan VPN to reduce ping. Regarding the ping, different area will get different ping. So test ping before investing money to buy Taiwan VPN services.
I am good at English and Chinese. I wrote this article for people who don't know Chinese and want to play Blade&Soul Taiwan server. 
Step #1 Access Blade&Soul Taiwan Official Website
Step #2 Sign up NCSoft Taiwan account on
Step#3  Download Blade&Soul Taiwan Client Please don't forget to download  「DirectX」and 「Microsoft Visual C++」.
You can switch

Step #4 I can't download the client successfully as photo.

Step #5 Connect to Taiwan proxy on PC and download update files quickly and fix update failed. I am using FlyVPN to play this game. I tested ping with its trial VPN service. Users can get trial VPN username and password from Please note login with '''vpnu'' not ''vpnc'' to test Taiwan VPN server.
- Download the trial VPN client from
- Run it and login with vpnu and its latest passwrod.
- Select Taiwan VPN server to connect.
- Click Connect button to connect.
Trial Taiwan VPN Account and Password of FlyVPN
Trial Taiwan VPN Account and Password of FlyVPN
Trial Taiwan VPN Server in FlyVPN VPNU trial account
Trial Taiwan VPN Server in FlyVPN VPNU trial account
Step #6 Let us create character for select Blade&Soul Taiwan server to play now.
Play Blade&Soul Taiwan Server
Play Blade&Soul Taiwan Server
As we all know that, some Taiwan games are blocking foreign IP address only allow Taiwan IP address to play. I don't know whether Blade&Soul Taiwan server will block IP address for some reasons in the future. Blade&Soul Japan and Korea server are blocking foreign IP address. Gamers who are living outside of Japan and Korea have to connect to Japan, Korea VPN. Let us talking about the ping. There are 8 Taiwan proxy servers in FlyVPN premium account, you can test one by one to find the best server for you. Many factors will affect the ping. Connect to Taiwan VPN server is the fastest way to low ping. If you can't get low ping with Taiwan server, you can try to use Hong Kong server. Some guys can get good ping with HK server. Because there are some limitations for trial version, players can buy VPN for Blade&Soul Taiwan Server with Low Ping. If the perfermance is not very good, you can request refund within 30 days. The refund policy is very good for us. Anyway, Let us get started to play Blade&Soul Taiwan Server With Low Ping via Taiwan VPN.

Taiwan VPN Servers in FlyVPN Paid Account
Taiwan VPN Servers in FlyVPN Paid Account

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Unlock Far Cry 4 Earlier And Buy Cheaper Key From Mexican Origin Store With VPN

Far Cry 4 is an upcoming action-adventure first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One video game consoles, and Microsoft Windows. Far Cry 4 will being available to pre-load on 18th November, 2014 in North America and United Kingdom according to the Wiki. Users who are living in Euorpe, Australia, and Japan have to wait more than 2 days to play this game. If they want to play Far Cry 4 earlier, gamers can unblock it with Korea VPN, New Zealand VPN or other countries VPN earlier.
Far Cry 4
Far Cry 4

Unblock Far Cry 4 Earlier In Euorpe With Korea VPN

Release date(s)  
NA   November 18, 2014
UK   November 18, 2014
EU   November 20, 2014
AU   November 20, 2014
JP    January 22, 2015
Do you want to play this game earlier if you are not living in Euorpe, Australia and Japan? The way is using VPN to make a trick like you are living in North America, Unite Kingdom and so forth. VPN is a tool which a mask your real IP in seconds and change IP quickly.

How To Preload Game Client Quickly

If you want to play the game earlier, you have to preload the game. But you will find that it is very slow to download game client with VPN. Start Origin and start the preload. After a few seconds, turn off the VPN and download at full speed. In case of Origin check IP address at the end of downloading. Please tap pause, reconnect VPN, then start preload again.

 How To Unlock Far Cry 4 Earlier

Connecting to Korea VPN to play this game earliest, you can also choose to use USA, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico...etc VPN.  If you haven't found good VPN for unblock game earlier, you can access to try for free. Korea VPN server has been included in vpnu trial account. Please login with it. In one word, connect to VPN, then run game. Sometimes players have to connect VPN every time until the game is available to play in their area.

Buy Cheaper Key From Mexican Origin Store With Mexico VPN

I have wrote many articles about players can buy cheaper games from Origin. Worthwhile, Origin won't block your account. At least I haven't heard someone had been blocked for this reason. The standard edition of Far Cry 4 is $39.99, the Golden edition of Far Cry 4 is $59.99 in Mexican store. Someone will care whether the Mexican version will support multi languages. My answer is yes. Connect to Mexico VPN server with FlyVPN trial VPN service to buy cheaper game from Mexican store.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

How To Reduce Ping for Online Games

It is very normal for players sufferring high ping during playing online games. Millions of gamers are looking for ways to reduce ping. Are you sufferring the sisutation as those guys? Firstly, we should know what are factors that affect to game ping. There are some factors included as follows.
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISP affects ping for different protocol and routers for different ISPs.
  • Physical distance. The physical distance between your location and game server geography. If you live near game server, you will get low ping.
  • Network connection speed. The speed of your network connection affects the rate of data transfer between the devices.

Some tips to reduce lag

There are two types of lag: hardware-related lag and network-related lag. Regarding the hardware-related lag, upgrade computer features that which is over minimum requirements of the game. To network-related lag, upgrade your network bandwidth. But the physical distance is the key to affect network-related lag. If you are living near the game server, it will take less time to transfer data to game server. How can we live near the game server? On one hand, you can choose to immgrate. I think it is impossible for 99% guys. On the other hand, players can make a decision to use VPN to change IP address. VPN is the best tool to mask your real IP in seconds.

Using VPN To Reduce Ping

I have stated before, VPN can help users to hide your real IP address. Which can change your IP address into Korea, USA, UK, FR, ES, CN, TW, HK...etc immediately. Whatever you want to play FPS, MMO and RPG of other countries servers. Connect to specific countries' VPN server can reduce ping. I have stated in paragraphs above, many factors will affect the ping. Some gamers said VPN didn't work for them, some guys said VPN did work for them. So don't invest money blindly. You can find some VPN providers with trial VPN service. If you haven't found similar services, visit to check trial VPN account and password. Please take note the password is dynamic, visit trial page to gey latest password. If you don't know how to test with its software, check instructions as follows.
  • Download FlyVPN software on Suggest you to download pro version for more advanced features.
  •  Install and run the client.
  • Require to type vpn account and password. Obtain trial VPN service at
  • Select the server you want to connect, then tap Connect button.
* If you don't know how to use the trial VPN software FlyVPN for online games, click here to check tutorial.


Whatever you are looking for best, reliable, fast or free VPN providers for DOTA 2, FIFA15, Archeage, LOL, WOW, B&S, GW2, CSGO, CF, Tera online or other online games to reduce lag from other regions. VPN is your choice. Regaring different area will get different ping, so I suggest players to test ping before investing money into VPN service.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Play Assassin's Creed Unity Earlier and Buy Cheaper

Assassin's Creed Unity is an upcoming historical action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It is the successor to 2013's Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag with ties to 2014's Assassin's Creed Rogue and will be released in Novernmber 2014 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Check the date you can play this game now.
Release Date: 
Japan - December 4, 2014
NA - November 11, 2014
PAL - November 13, 2014
UK - November 14, 2014
According to the release date above, there are some days time gap for players who are living in North America, PLA and United Kingdom. Do you want to play Assassin's Creed Unity Early Access and buy cheaper. The answer is VPN.
Assassin's Creed Unity

Play Assassin's Creed Unity Earlier From Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Korea...

Many players who are living in Europe and United Kingdom discuss how can we play Assassin's Creed Unity earlier. If you are living in North America, you can play this game first, if not, It is not reality for gamers to buy airplane ticket and fly to there to unlock this game earlier. So I suggest you to use USA VPN to play this game earlier. If you don't know how to process, please read article How To Unblock Game Earlier With VPN. If you plan to unlock this game earlier, you have to create US Uplay account. You have to connect to US VPN/Proxy to create US Uplay account when you are not living in United States. You can search free USA VPN in Google, you will find milliond of results. But I don't recommend you to use free VPN services. It is not safe for your privacy. There is one trial VPN service provider. Many gamers used it to unblock game earlier. It is FlyVPN. It is no need to create account, just download FlyVPN software, then input trial account and password. Get trial VPN account and password from
Trial VPN Account and Password
Trial VPN Account and Password

Buy Cheaper Assassin's Creed Unity As low as $39.99

Gamers can buy Assassin's Creed Unity standard and Gold edition from Origin. It is about $60 USD for standard edition and $90 USD for Gold edition. If you want to buy cheaper Assassin's Creed Unity, you can connect to Mexico VPN server to access Mexician Origin store. It is about $40 USD for standard edition and $60 UDS for Gold edition. I have stated ways to buy cheaper games from Mexician store with Mexico VPN, please check previous article. BTW if you plan to buy cheaper game from Mexician store, you have to create Mexician Uplay account to play this game.
Assassin's Creed Unity standard Edition In Origin Mexician Store
Assassin's Creed Unity standard Edition In Origin Mexician Store
Assassin's Creed Unity Gold Edition In Origin Mexician Store
Assassin's Creed Unity Gold Edition In Origin Mexician Store


 VPN is the best way to mask your real IP and unlock game earlier. If you have pre-ordered Assassin's Creed Unity and want to play this game earlier, just connect to USA VPN to reach. Buy cheaper game from Origin Mexician store with Mexico VPN/Proxy. If you don't often use VPN service, I think FlyVPN trial VPN service can meet your demand. It is providing many countries server for trial. Denefitely, including Mexico and USA VPN server.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Play Game Earlier With New Zealand VPN

Many players can't wait for some games release in some countries' earlier than their regions that they want to make a trick to catch up. Such as Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, BF4, SIMS4, Tianfall and so on. Gamers are try their best to play those games as soon as possible. The only way is to use VPN. Regarding what country VPN will work. Sometimes it is USA, Korea, Singapore, Australia, Mexico or New Zealand VPN. That all depends on the realease date in different region. I have wrote some articles about how to unblock game earlier with USA, Korea, Australia and Mexico VPN. If you don't know how to process, please read tutorial here. I just found some guys are sharing solutions to unblock Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare earlier on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. For the PC version, players can connect to New Zealand VPN and set timezone to Fiji. Watch video on This video will guide you step by step to game earlier on PC steam.

How To Unblock Game Earlier On Xbox one, PS4 and PC

Play game earlier on Xbox one and PS4

Find the game in Xbox one or PS4 store, then you can see the playable time. Just go to Settings - System - Langauge&Location - Location - Set to the region that you can play earlier -  then restart the console. You will find the playable time advanced several hours. I don't know whether this way will work for all games. But this way did work for some gamers. If you want to download some games from other countries Xbox one and PS4 store, you can consider to connect VPN on Xbox and PS4.

Play game earlier on PC with VPN

New Zealand is one of the countries in the world entering new day earliest. So if New Zealand has been listed in countries which can play game first, Generally, Users can connect to New Zealand VPN to unblock game earlier. Regarding the security, I can't promise there is no risk to make the trick. It all depends on you.
How can we get New Zealand VPN?

You can search the terms in Google. But if you don't often to use VPN service. I think it is waste money for you to buy VPN service. You can find free or trial New Zealand VPN. It is difficult to find VPN provider provides New Zealand VPN server for trial. If you have unblocked many gamers earlier with VPN, I think you know FlyVPN. There are many countries VPN in its trial accounts. Of course, New Zealand VPN server has been included.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Change IP Address To Singapore

Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign city-stateand island country in Southeast Asia. The third industry is very developed. Millions of people go there for trip. I don't want to talking something about its tourism. I would like to talk something about game industry in Singapore. The statistic presents a forecast of the PC online games revenue in Singapore from 2012 to 2014. It was estimated that the 2014 PC online games revenue for Singapore would be 37 million U.S. dollars. According to the estimated data, the market is very big. As I know that many games' publishers just provide several servers in Singapore for Southeast Asia players. So when you are living in Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Taiwan, Hong Kong or other places and want to play games' servers in Singapore. Sometimes you will not connect to game server for other countries' IP address. Sometimes you will get high ping for physical distance. How can we do for that? The fast way to break Geo limitation and reduce ping is using Singapore VPN.  Millions of players are looking for ways to change IP address and hide IP to access some games or protect privacy. I just want to introcude ways to change IP address to Singapore and play online games from abroad with low ping.
Change IP Address To Singapore Around The World
Change IP Address To Singapore Around The World

Connect To Singapore VPN Server To Change IP address Located In Singapore

If you haven't heard VPN, you can search it in Google. In one word, Its main function for gamers is changing IP address, hide real IP address and reduce ping (fix latency/lag). How can we access Singaporean game servers and play Singaporean online games without lag. The answer is getting Singapore IP address by connecting to Singapore VPN server. I wrote an article about using free Singapore VPN to play Dota 2. But the account is unavailable to use now. There is another way you can get trial Singapore VPN. As we all know that free VPN service is very slow and unstable. I would't introduce some free VPN provider for you. If you are intresting buy paid Singapore VPN, you can consider to make subscription to FlyVPN for many readers bought it for online games. The feedback is very well. If you haven't make desicion, try to test with its trial VPN service. Fortunately, one Singaporean proxy server has been included in its 'vpnu' trial account. Let me show you how to get trial Singapore VPN.
  1. Download FlyVPN client(pro version) on PC:
  2. Install and Run client.
  3. Input account and password. 
  4. Account: vpnu. Password: Get its latest password from
  5. Aften login client, then tap 'Asia' tab, you will see one Singapore VPN server. Tap it. Then click 'Connect' button. Once connected, you have already gotten one Singaporean IP address. 
Many guys can't find trial VPN account and password on the trial webpage, please check the reference image below.
Trial VPN Account and Password Of FlyVPN
Trial VPN Account and Password Of FlyVPN
If you are searching ways to change IP address to Singapore, follow steps by steps guidance above. You will obtain Singaporean IP address to play online games and reduce ping.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Start To Play Terra Battle On Android and iOS

Terra Battle is a strategy RPG for mobile devices. The free-to-play title utilizes microtransactions,  which are necessary if you want to play longer than the game's daily time allotment allows. It is available to download in Google Play store and iTunes store. But gamers can only download the game from limited country. As I know that. Terra Battle App is available to download in United States, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Spain and Japan store. If you are living outside of those countries, it isn't able to download the app. What can we do for this. Make a trick to bypass the geo restriction if the game isn't released in your region. Don't miss the amazing game. Let us start to play Terra Battle on Android and iOS now.

How To Download Terra Battle On iOS if it isn't released in your region

 You can create United States, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Spain or Japan Apple ID to download the game. If you don't know how to create other countries Apple ID, read tutorial here:
The key is to create other countries Apple ID. I created Japanese Apple ID and downloaded Terra Battle on iOS. 
Download Terra Battle On iOS
Download Terra Battle On iOS

How To Download Terra Battle On Android if it isn't released in your region

 Players can download Terra Battle APK file from Google Play Store. How can we download Terra battle on android if it is in your region store. There are two ways which can help you reach that. 
Option 1: Connect to VPN, then go to 'Settings' - 'Applications' - 'Google Play Store' - Tap Clear Data and Force Stop button. If you connec to Japan VPN server in android, then you will be redirected to Japanese Google Play store.
Option 2: Users can't access approritate store after connecting VPN. What we need to do is creating another Gamil. Then repeat the steps as Option 1. 

How To Access Terra Battle

Some guys can access game quickly. But some users can't access the game and pop up the message like 'Network error'. I think people will meet the problem as unable to update for region restriction. What can we do for that. The answer is to use VPN. Which is a good way to change IP address in seconds.  
Unable To Access Terra Battle
Unable To Access Terra Battle

Connect to VPN to Play Terra Battle On Android and iOS

Whatever you can't download Terra Battle on mobile devices or you can't Terra Battle. The way is to use VPN.  I often use FlyVPN to play online games. If you haven't found good VPN provider. Maybe you can consider to use it. It is providing trial version. There are many VPN servers in its trial accounts including USA, JP, CA, FR, ES, KR, CN, TW, HK...etc. If you are interesting in testing the trial VPN service, access to obtain trial account and password. Worthwhile, if you don't know how to setup FlyVPN on android and iOS. Click here to check VPN tutorial to setup Terra Battle on Android and iOS. 
Play Terra Battle On Android and iOS
Play Terra Battle On Android and iOS