
Friday, July 5, 2013

Play Archeage Japan Server With Japan VPN

"MMORPGの父が手掛ける期待の超大作オンラインRPG「ArcheAge(アーキエイジ)」オフィシャルサイ".Archeage is going through their last recruit for close beta before 5th July.Japanese game publisher is GameOn.It announced that the Open Beta service for MMORPG ArcheAge will start on July 11th, 2013. In the open beta phase, anyone can join in and travel around the immersive world in ArcheAge. (ArcheAge, PC).Do you want to play it?What you need prepare is Japan VPN before register and download.I will guide you to register Archeage Japan account and play Archeage Japan open beta.

Minimum System Requirements:
OS:Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1, Windows7 SP1, Windows8
CPU:Intel Core2 Duo
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:   nVidia Geforce 8000/512 RMB ;Radeon HD 4000/512RMBS
Hard Drive: 40 GB
Sound:Direct X 9.0c

1: Connect Japan VPN on PC.
a: Download Japan VPN client .install and run it.
b:Please test with free trial Japan VPN before purchase.
Account: vpnu .
Password: get it from .Because the password is dynamic.So please get newest password to reconnect.
Purchase through this invitation link to get 20% off: .
2: Overview Archeage Japan download page: .
Play Archeage Japan Server With Japan VPN-1

Play Archeage Japan Server With Japan VPN-2
3: Register Archeage Japan account at .
Play Archeage Japan Server With Japan VPN-3

4: Fulfill all the blank area.
Play Archeage Japan Server With Japan VPN-4

Then login your email and click confirm address.Congraulations,You registed Archeage Japan account successfully.

Anyone want to reproduce this article.Please note the address: .


  1. well ... how to write the verfiction code?

    1. Basic Hirigana. Its in elementary words but foreigners can't understand the hirigana.

      Pull up a hirigana table online and your good to go. Or run an app that copies images to get straight to the copy and pasting.

  2. i cant register for some reason. i use the vpn on your other post and i can access the website and all that but this error about 24 hrs keeps popping up and ive been trying for 2 days now

  3. I download the client and with this the 12Gb. Than the client patch it and now I have a game_pak data and a lot of dll datas. If I start now Arche Age.exe the patcher starts. I clickt on the text below Arche Age and the client closed. I use a japan VPN and all go be right, but now I have 24GB Arche Age Datas and can`t play it !! Can anyone help me please ?

  4. It won't even let me go to the registration site...Not even on my phone. Someone please help.
