
Saturday, August 10, 2013

How To Play Mini Fighter With Thailand VPN

Everyone loves fighting, so I present to you all “Thailand Mini Fighter”! It’s easy to play and it just need a little help from the best VPN service “FlyVPN”.Please take note about the game can only been opened with IE(internet explore) browser.I will introduce to you the steps to use Thailand VPN to play Mini Fighter.

1. Mini Fighter game download from ……

2. Start downloading “Full Client MFTH03_C046_FULL_INSTALL_RS” ……

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3. After you finish downloading, open the “Full Client MFTH03_C046_FULL_INSTALL_RS” and just choose the place that you want “Mini Fighter Thailand”…..

4. After setuping, go to …..

5. Click on “GAME START”, and after that I am sure you will find something that comes with a link, copy that link and open it.

6. After you open the link, wait some time until it comes something with installing, install it.

7. After you install it, go back to …….

8. Now you need to create a account, so go to …..
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9. After you go to the link, click the button on the right, then go to Mfighter ID, the big button on the right.
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10. After you go there, just put your data and create account. Note: if you don’t understand everything, go to Google Translate and translate everything you want.

11. After you create account, go back to ……

12. Click on “GAME START”, then login your account that you created before, and after you login, the game will start patching.
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13. After you finish patching, the gameguard will start.

14. After you finish with the gameguard, wait until the game opens and you have the servers list, just go to any server, but of course it won’t work.

15. Because the game blocked everyone from playing except Thailand people, so easily open FlyVPN and connect to Thailand proxy, then make sure the VPN will work, then go to “Thailand Mini Fighter” then choose any server.If you can't confirm whether it will work or not.Please use FlyVPN free trial VPN account to test before purchase.Free trial Thailand VPN is available to test everyday.
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16. Enjoy playing!!!!
PS: If you love to play this game and want to play Thailand Mini Fighter with FlyVPN Thailand VPN.Please read tutorial about how to use FlyVPN client.

Please note the source of if anyone republished it.

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