
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Play Blade and Soul Open Beta In China Game Server

Blade & Soul – China server announces Free-to-Play model. So many B&S fans around the world would like to play it with China server. According to the latest news at, users can play Blade and Soul Open Beta China server without activation code but log in with QQ number. Gamers can download the game client now but can not play it now. The open beta forecast released time is at 2pm GMT+8 on 28th, November said by QQ customer. Do you want to play it? Follow me.

1: Register a QQ account.
Access then input email, nickname, password, birthday and location.For location, you can select China, Shanghai, putuo. I  will give you address to verify.

How To Register QQ Account

2: Mobile verification. Click "Select your region/country", input your phone number, then verification code will be send to your phone. Input it.
3: Visit to verify Identify info. Log in with your QQ account.
Verify QQ Account-1
4:Input name, Identify care number(18 digits) and address.
Name: 张三,李四,王五,李明,王明,李明浩........ Whatever characters you want to input.
Identify Card number: Consist with 18 digits.
 淳雅 320401198903191450韦雄逸 320401198406167652乐雅量 320401197602243099罗明旭 320401197107214776章文杰 320401199008138359俞杰伟 320401197108268792王俊朗 320401197408215393云楷瑞 320401198908113099卜博超 32040119840922945X
If you want to get other ID, you can leave message to me. I will help you.
Address: 上海普陀区 中山北路xxx号;上海普陀区金沙江路xxx号....
5: Done, your QQ account has been verified. You can use it to log in Blade and Soul client.
Verify QQ Account

6: Change your computer system local language to "Simplified PRC Chinese", otherwise error code will appear.
 Go to "Control Panel" - "Clock,Language&Region" - "Region and Language Setting" - "Simplified PRC Chinese".

7: Download Blade and Soul game client at

Download Blade and Soul Game Client

*** 电信1区、电信2区和网通1区 will be opened on 28th, Nov, 2013. Those three servers won't limit gamers to access.
***Do install DXSETUP and vcredist_x86 profiles.
install DXSETUP and vcredist_x86 profiles

***As I know  电信1区 server is locating in Shanghai, 电信2区 server is locating in GuangDong and 网通1区 server is BeiJing. If you are living outside of China and want to get good ping. I think you should connect to Shanghai Telecom VPN Server  before enter 电信1区, GuangDong Telecom VPN server for 电信二区,Beijing VPN server for 网通1区.
If you are looking for Blade and Soul accelerator, FlyVPN is the best tool. It is providing Shanghai, Guang dong and Beijing servers. Many other mainland China VPN servers. Also you can connect to China VPN to download Blade and Soul game client. It can speed up the download speed.
Shanghai Guangdong Beijing VPN Server For Blade and Soul

 8: After download game client, log in with your QQ account. There are 3 servers you can choose.
Play Blade and Soul Open Beta In China Game Server

*** You can only create characters now and can't play it. Blade and Soul open beta game server in China will be opened on 28th, Nov.
P.S. If you want to top up for your Blade and Soul Chinese account, please contact with me. My Skype ID: zoi0607. Welcome to consult. 

FlyVPN is the best game booster for Blade and Soul open beta in China. Buy VPN now. Only $10 per month. Lower price for longer membership.


  1. in fact the best booster is Xunlei

  2. need help with ID can you email me at

    1. I listed many Chinese ID in this article, please check those.
