
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

How can I unlock Firewatch on PS4/PC earlier

Firewatch, a new exploration game coming to the PlayStation 4 and PC on February 9, 2016. I want to note that when the game launched at 12 a.m. on 9th, February around the world, the players who are living in New Zealand is the first ones to play Firewatch. If you are a fan of Firewatch, and don't want to wait. A free New Zealand VPN can allow you play Firewatch on PlayStation 4 or PC at top earliest.


Free NewZealand VPN to unlock Firewatch earlier

A VPN is particularly appealing to players who want to unlock games earlier and reduce ping, particularly if you are keen to play the game. If you never use a VPN to unlock games earlier, you may ask "Can I use VPN to play Firewatch earlier", "Is VPN allowed for Firewatch", "Will my account be banned if using VPN". Generally, Steam won't ban your account if you only use the VPN to change your Time zone and unlock games earlier.
Firewatch on Steam
Firewatch on PS 4

Briefly steps to unlock Firewatch earlier on pc

  1. Pr-order watch Firewatch and download game client.
  2. Connected New Zealand VPN on devices. Register an account or use the provided free VPN accounts for testing FlyVPN trial service on PC.
  3. After connected New Zealand VPN, then lookup IP address has been changed based New Zealand or not. If yes, activate Firewatch now.

Briefly guide to unlock Firewatch earlier on PS4

  • Option 1 - Just go to Settings - System - Langauge&Location - Location - Set to the region to NewZealand - then restart the console. You will find the playable time advanced several hours.
  • Option 2 - If the first way don't work for you, you can consider to use a NewZealand VPN.

About Firewatch

  • Basic info
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Developer: Campo Santo
Publisher: Panic Inc., Campo Santo
Release Date: Feb 09, 2016
  • Firewatch is a first-person exploration game - you play as a man named Henry, and you'll get loads of story from the environment itself.
  • It is a mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio. 
  • The combination of branching dialogue, well-acted characters, and intriguing story will make this game an immediate hit. 
  • The whole game takes place in the gorgeous Shoshone National Forest.
  • The game is set in 1989, just one year after the (real life) Yellowstone National Park fire.

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