
Monday, August 29, 2016

Top 10 Steam Games latest week Deus Ex:Mankind Divided Rank 1

Steam annonuced top 10 sale games in this week (8.22 - 8.28). Deus Ex: Mankind Divided get top 1. No man's sky get second. Steam is one platform to sell Legitimate game. Billions of players choose to buy games from Steam. It is reliable. Let's get back the point about top 10 steam games this week.

1: Deus Ex:Mankind Divided(↑2)

2: No Man's Sky(↓1)

3: GTA5(↓1)

4: The Witcher 3:Wild Hunt


6: Dead by Daylight

7: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO)(↓3)

8: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

9: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided DLC

10: Attack on Titan(Region Locked, unlock Region locked with best VPN


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