Showing posts with label korea vpn for TOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label korea vpn for TOS. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2015

How To Play Tree Of Savior Korean Open Beta Test

Tree Of Savior Korean Open Beta test just started from 6pm on December 17. The privious secheduled time is 3pm. It seemed the Nexon need more time to maintain their servers. Anyway, Many players are playing TOS KOBT now. So we would like to show players how to play Tree Of Savior Korean open beta test. For Korean players, it is easy to know how to play. But for foreign players, it is a little difficulty. So the guidance is mainly for players who are living outside of Korea and want to play TOS Korea OBT. Some players can't access Nexon KR website for Nexon don't allow some countries' players to visit their website. So what they can only connect to Korea VPN to unlock the web. Also some players told me Nexon changed its policy. Previously, Nexon KR isn't block account for changing IP frequently or playing without Korean IP address. But now, Nexon will ban players who play nexon games for changing frequently and foreign IP address. Hope this is not right. Tough it is real, you can also buy Korea dediacted IP from FlyVPN to get fixed IP. Worthwhile, no one are owning the same IP address as you. Anyway, let us get started to know how to play TOS KR OBT now.
Tree Of Savior Korean

How To Get One Verified Tree Of Savior KR OBT Account

Because all Korean online games are require to verify Korean phone number or i-Pin. If you don't have it, it is very difficulty to get one verified TOS KR OBT account. Generally, there are two ways as following.
  • Ask your Korean friend to register one account for you.
  • Buy one from a reliable website. Just search terms like 'Tree Of Savior Korea' in Google, you will find it.

Download, Install and Updating Tree Of Savior Korean OBT Client

After got one verified Nexon account, then we will show you how to download, install and updating TOS KR OBT client.  Step 1: Visit TOS KR website here Then input your nexon Email and password.
Login verified TOS Nexon account

Step 2. Tap the area as photo or visit 
Tap the button to access TOS KR Client Download Web

Step 3. Tap the Orange button to start to download launcher.exe.
Tap the Orange button to start to download TOS KR Launcher
Step 4. Tick the box to start to download with high speed.
Tick the box to start to download with high speed.
Step 5. Tap the first purple button to start to download as photo. Once done, click the blue button, choose the storage folder. Check whether your hardware is enough.

Tap the first purple button to start to download as photo

Step 6. After clicked the blue button. It will ask you to choose the storage folder.
choose the storage folder
Step 7. Downloading... Wait until 100% completely.

Step 8. Once downloaded successfully, a shorcut of Tree of Savior will appear on desktop.
Tree Of Savior Korea Client Shortcut
Step 9. Click Tree Of Savior icon on desktop, then it will open browser and visit  

 Step 10. Tap the 게임시작 button to start to update. or tap the blue button on Just wait the updats completely, tap the Game Start button to enter game.
If you get any errors, just click the big blue button again and restart the process.

Monday, July 27, 2015

How To Play Tree Of Savior KR CBT 3rd

Tree of Savior(트리 오브 세이비어) is a MMORPG game currently developed by IMC Games in Korea. Its CBT3 is around the corner, starting from July 30 to August 9. Do you want to play TOS CBT3? I think most of MMORPG fans are waiting the OBT of this game. Because most of Korean games require to register with iPin or KSSN. For CBT phase, some games request to verify with Korean phone number. Same as TOS. Let me show you how to play Tree of Savior CBT 3rd.
TOS CBT3 Time: 7/30/2015 2pm - 8/9/2015 11:59pm 
 Extended CBT3 time: 8/10/2015 - to be determined
Tree Of Savior
Tree Of Savior

Get Verified Email and Korean Phone Number KR Nexon Account

If you have korean friends, you can ask your friend to create account to you and verify his phone number. If not, you have to find way to buy verified account. Generally, there are two kinds of Nexon account. One just verified Email. Players can use it to play most of Nexon games but limited OBT phase. Another verified Email and Korean phone number. It can be used to apply CBT qualification. But the price will be higher than those only veified Email. Regarding where you can buy this kind of account, you can search terms "Tree of Savior KR Account". If you want to know where I bought this kind of account, pleave a comment.

Download Tree Of Savior KR CBT3 Client

The CBT3 client is not available to download now. Regarding the exact pre-download date, I will update here. For those accounts got CBT1 and CBT2 qualification own the qualification to play CBT3 too. In case of instal failed, please delete previous client, download latest client from TOS official website
Download TOS KR CBT3 Client: Update here soon.
Tree Of Savior KR CBT3
Tree Of Savior KR CBT3


Actually, the key is to get TOS KR account. After got account, you have to check whether the account is available to play TOS CBT3.You can check some English info here if you don't know Korean language. Because some Nexon accounts didn't make international access that you can't login with foreign IP. You can try to use Korea VPN to fix it. If you get high ping, maybe VPN will help you. Because I am living in China, I can't access Nexon website. I can only visit it with VPN. If you are in the same situation as me, why not try trial VPN account with Korean VPN server. The trial account is "vpnu", click here to get its password. Are you ready to play TOS korean server? As I know, many players are waiting its OBT, so am I.