Sudden Attack (Korean: 서든어택) is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter online game developed by the South Korean company GameHi (Currently known as NEXON GT) and taken over by Nexon. On December 2, 2013. Curently, its servers spread in Korea, China, South Asia, Japan, North America, Europe. Worthwhile, Sudden Attack 2 is in development. According to the news from Thailand SA2 publisher, SA2 thailand server will be the first to be released. Until now, no reliable news about the release date of Korean Sudden Attcak 2. A large numbers of players would like to play Korean server for latest characters, weapons, updates...etc. For example, many Japanese players are playing KR sudden attak and Elsword server. For physical distance and network delay factors, most of players will get high ping. Because we don't have the ability to change the conditions, we can only ask help form some tools like VPN service. It is a tool which can change IP into Korea in seconds that all traffic will surf like you are in Korea. Certainly, the speed will be faster to access and download game. Whatever you want to play Korean Sudden attack 1 or 2 outside of Korea, you can try to connect to Korea VPN server to reduce ping.

KR sudden attack Official Website:
Publisher: Nexon
Developer: Nexon GT
Status: Open Beta
Area: Korea
Fee: free to play
How To Get Best Korea VPN To Play KR Sudden Attack
We have tested many Korea VPN services. But the performance of most of Korea VPN services are not good. Finnaly, we find the Korea VPN provider - FlyVPN. It is providing more than 20 Korean servers in Shared IP VPN plan and Korea dedicated IP VPN plan. If you want to get fixed Korea IP and no one own the same IP as you, you can choose to buy Korea dedicated IP VPN plan. We tested its servers, the speed is very well. Because many factors are affecting speed, we suggest you to test its service. BTW it is offering Korea VPN servers in its trial VPN account 'vpnu' and 30 days money back guarantee. You can use its trial version or buy one month to try out. If you just want to test ping before investing money into VPN, you can read how to get trial VPN service on PC (including Korea VPN trial). In one word, FlyVPN is the best Korea VPN we ever used. If you don't believe in us, you can search in Google, try to find and use other VPN services and then compare the their performances. Finally, you will find which is the best Korea VPN to play Korean Sudden Attack servers. BTW most of my friends in Japan are using FlyVPN to reduce ping, the ping is about 30ms.
Fortunately, most of Nexon games are not blocking IP address. But sometimes people who bought KR nexon accounts, and playing Nexon games without Korean IP address get ban. So we suggest players to play Nexon KR games with Korean VPN from abroad for security though the rate of risk is about 1%. Worthwhile, this way is a good soultion to reduce ping. Why not give it a try. Ahead to use Korea VPN now to reduce ping to play KR sudden attck 1/2 server.